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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 277
and, when he returned, iâd a good paffjjQrt given to him. " - ' • ' * - ' ' w ' " '.\
The king and the whole court were much troubled on this matter, when the conftable arrived to* make. his complaints againft the duke of Brittany ;* and" this increafed it, for, it was now apparent, difficult ties were arifing on all fides, and much prudence and good fenfe would be neceflary to meet them. . The • king and his council, notwithftanding this vexation from Gueldres, were unwilling that the conftable, who had fo faithfully ferved the king in . Flanders and elfewhere, fhould not have redrefs for the wrongs he had fuffered from the duke of Brit-tany, by confining his perfon and feizing his caftles and towns without a fhadow of right. The lord de Coucy and the admiral were particularly aMve in' this bufinefs. • - •'
We will return to the duke of Lancafter and the king of Portugal, who were carrying on a prof-perdus war in Galicia, and fpeak of their ope* tarions.
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