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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 296
g^te^ between thern aqd the barriers, the Ifttgr f§ engage their enemies.
Sir Alvarez Pereira, the marfhai pfPortugal, who ^ras fubtle, and bad been. loqg #fed tp arms, ob-ferving this çonduft, planned upon it an ambufcade. Opening himfelf to don Juan Fernando, he faid,— 41 fee thefe foldiers, when fkirmifhing, fometime? yenture beyond the gates : I have formed a plan? vhich if you will a (lift me to execute, I think we may difcomfit them. I propofe that we form ambufcade, as near the barriers as pofEbie, of five or fix hundred men, well mounted, and then com-mence a fkirmifh, as ufual, but in no great number } and retreat, by degrees, the moment they feem will-ing to pafs their barriers, which I think their avaricg and eagernefs will induce them to do. We - muft then turn about and attack them iuftily, and th$ ambufcade will gallop between them and the gates. The garrifon will now be alarmed, and haften TQ order the gates to be opened, and whether they will or not, we fhall enter the place with them. But ihouid the townfmen refufe to open the gates, al{ thofe who are without muft be our prifoners/ € If is well imagined/ replied don Juan. . ' Well/ faid the marfhai, c do you command one party, and { will take the other. You, fir tyîartin de Mello, and • PonafTe d'Acunha, fhall have the ambufcade, and I will fkirmifh, as that is part of my office.'
This plan was adopted, and five hundred men, well armed and mounted, were chofen to form the ambufcade. For three days, there had not beçn any fkirmifhing, to the furprife of the garrifon, whp
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