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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 336
8ÎS . *
•JF ou* kkf and lord. If I îhoiiM hâ?ê receive! too* much, gtant me, through the king's gtace an| yoots, that I may have a teafonable time for rejtoy* tomV f To this we agree/ replied the lords ; afcd If Simon Burley was then èoiiduâed to the Tower.
thé accounts of Sir Thomas Trivet and fir Wll* feanr Elmtiam were fterft examined. They word not popular with any of the barons of England, nof with the people, on account of their conduâ: ïà Flanders ; for it was faid no EngKfhmatn had ever made fo fhàmefiil an expedition. The bîftop of Norwich and the governor of Calais^ who at that time was fir Hugh Calverley, had cleared themfelves from any blame i but the charge laid to the twd knights, of taking money for the furrender of Bourbourg and Gravelines, prevented thtm doing the fame; and fome in England wanted to have their conduâ: (which has been before related) con-ffrued into treafon ; and the knights had given fe-curity for their appearance, when called upon, t& the king, his uftcleS and the council
This charge was- now renewed, and they wefé fomtnoned before the Commiflioners. Sir Wilfiant fclmham appeared \ but fir Thomas Trivét did not tome, and I • will tell you the caufe. The fame week Ate fumtflrJhs from the comtniffioners was brought m his houfe in the nofth, he had mounted a young horfe, to tty him in the fields. This horfe ran fr#ay vriifi him oter hedge and through bufhes, atid: at length fell into a ditch and broke the knight's neck. It was a pity, and his lofs was much bewail-ed by tfie* good people of England. Notwith-
Y 2 (landing
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