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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 341
meant to feize it, and carry it out of England. Many, now he was in prifon, came forward againft: him ; and the knight was fo overpowered, that no-• thing he could fay in his defence availed him ; fo that he was carried forth out of the Tower, and beheaded, as a traitor, in the fquare before it. God have mercy on his mifdeeds !, Notwithftanding 1 thus relate his difgraceful death, which I am forced to by my determination to infert nothing but truth in this hiftory, I was exceedingly vexed thereat, and perfanally much grieved ; for in my youth I had found him à gentle knight, and, according to my understanding, of great good fenfe. Such was the unfortunate end of fir Simon Burley.
. His nephew and heir, fir Richard Burley, was with the duke of Lancafter in Galicia, when this misfortune befel his uncle, and one of the moft re-nowned in his army, after the conftable ; for he had once the chief command of the whole army, and inftru&ed fir Thomas Moreaùx in his office of marfhal: Jie was likewife of the duke's council, and his principal advifer. You may fuppofe that, when he heard of the difgraceful death his uncle had fuffered, he was mightily enraged ; but, alas 1 this gallant knight died in his bed, in Caftille, of fick-nefs, with very many more, as I fhall fully relaté when arrived at that part of my hiftory.
When king Richard, who was amufing himfelf in .Wales, heard of the death of fir Simon Burley, he was very wroth ; for he had been one of hi$ tutors and had educated him; and he fwor^ it
. '.. % fhould
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