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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.8
page 369
unlefs he make a defence.1 If you find knights- or fquires, takethem and bring them to me/
This order was obeyed : few were killed except in their flight, by riding crtrer or againft each other. Sir John, called the Little Beauchamp, and fir John Saliibury, were made prifoners in thepwfuit, and brought to the duke of Glocefter, to hit* great pleafure.
The lords marched to Oxford, where they found the gates open ; and thofe who could do fo lodged themfelves there, though much ftraightened. When the duke of Glocefter inquired if the duke of Ire-land were taken, he was told that he had efcapeck The duke remained two days at Oxford, when • he gave liberty for the men at arms to return to their homes, after having thanked them for their fervicca. He told the mayor of London and the leaders of the bands, that they might now return- to Lon-don, which they cheerfully did, and thus this expedition ended.
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