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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.9
page 168
' . . 157 ^ At times, he compared himfelf and his expe- -dition to the duke of Anjpu and his march to Naples ; for, when he fet out from France,, he was fo magnificently equipped, ^ nothing* was ever feen like to it, and attended by multitudes of knights, fquires and men at arms ; but the end had been, that all were either killed or Tuined. • . * * 1
• It was not furprifmg that the duke, confider-ing his hopes were totally deftroyed, fhould be fometimes melancholy ; for the count dè Foix, who was one of the wifeft princes, in converfa* tion with his knights, had declared the duke of Lancafter's expectations, in regard to the crown
' of Caftille, were completely at an end. The duke was, however, of a high fpirit, and fought confolation in the profpect of the elevation of # his children. He had with him a handfome daughter, by the ' lady Confiance, daughter of don Pedro, in whofe right he had made war on Caftille : he, therefore, mufing on this fubject, faid, — * If fortune is now unfavourable to me, it may be otherwife to my daughter, who is* young and handfome, and by her grandfather and mother the true heirefs of Caftille. Some gallant prince of France . may feek her in mar-
é riage, either for the above right, or her high birth ; for (he may boaft that fhe fprings from the bell blood in Chriftendojn.' He would gladly-have ha4 fome overtures made him from France on this head ; for he knew the king had
' a younger brother, in the duke of Tourainç.:
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