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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.9
page 336
c Sir king, and you gentlemen of his couneil, the king of France fends me hither, on account of the marriage which he has heard is about to take place between your fon and the daughter of the duke of Lancafter, who is, as you know, his enemy. The king of France and his minifters are greatly at a lofs to conceive how you could think ,of entering into any treaty of marriage, or other engagement, without their being made acquainted with it; for they fay truly, that no union can be formed between children without great intimacy and affection of the parents being the confequences. They therefore tell you by my mouth, to be careful not to enter into any trea-ties that may be prejudicial to the king of France ; and that thofe, fo folemnly fworn to be obferved by the late king Henry, your father, the prelates, nobles and cities of the realm, be no way infring-ed, otherwife you will incur the pain of excom-munication from the pope, and the indignation of the king and barons of France, whom you will find, to yoiir difgrace, your moft bitter enemies. This is^hat I am ordered to fay to you from the khig of France and his council.*
When the king of Caftille and thofe prefent heard fuch a reproachful meflage from the king of France, they were fo much aftoniftied, that they looked at each other, but not one attempted to make any reply. A bifhop, however, who hap-. pened to be there, made the following anfwer ;
c Sir John, you are newly arrived in this country, and the king and ourfelves are glad to
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