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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.9
page 343
Whem the marfhal took his leave, to return to Touloufe, I wanted to accompany him; but the count de Foix would not allow me, and bade me ftay longer with him. This I was forced to com-ply with, and wait his will. The lord Lewis, on leaving Orthès, took the road to Tarbes, whither he was efcorted by the lord dauphin of Bigorre, and fir Peter Cabeftan, one of the count de Foix's houfehold.
About this time, of the year 1389, there was a deed of arms performed at Bordeaux, before the duke of Lancafter, between five Englifhmen and the fame number of French, of whom fome were of the houfehold of the marfhal of France. The combatants were fir Pecton d'Allagine, a gafcon Englifhman, againft fir Morice Manniguet, a Frenchman ; fir Arragon Raymond, English, againft the baftard de Chauvigny, French ; fir LewisMalapers, governor efAigues-Mortes, Eng-lifh, againft Jacquemin Corne de Cerf, French ; Archibald de Villiers, French, againft the fon of the lord de Chaumont, gafcon-englifh. Many knights and fquires from Béarn, and of thehoufë-hold of the count de Foix, being defirous of fee-ing thefe combats, went thither: I accompanied them ; for it is but twenty-four leagues from Or-thès to Bordeaux, and we were fpectators of thefe dutls, which were fought in the fquare before St. Andrews, in the prefence of the duke and duchefs of Lancafter, their daughter, and the ladies and damfels of the country. They did not combat altogether, but each party feparately ; and were to
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