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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.9
page 349
•né about Candlemas departed, taking the road through Nimes and Montpellier to Touloufe. ,
They travelled, with great ftate and fhortjour-nies, unto Beziers and Carcaffone, where they found the marfhal de Sancerre,. who received them very magnificently, as was right. He con-verted with them concerning the count de Foix, of his affairs and eftablifhments, for it was not more than two months fince he had returned from thence.
From Carcaffone they went to Touloufe, and there remained while they fent meffengers to the count de Foix, at Orthès. They opened their propofals of marriage, but distantly, for at the beginning the count was very cold, on account of the duke of Lancafter, who at the time re-dded at Bordeaux or Libourne, having made offers of his fon, the earl of Derby, for the young lady of Boulogne ; and it was thought, from the long time thefe lords remained at Touloufe, the marriage would not take effect.
They regularly fent daily and weekly accounts of their progrefs, and what anfwers they received from the count de Foix, to the duke of Berry, who refided at la Nonnette* in Auvergne, and the duke whofe only anxiety was to bring the matter to a conclufion, repeatedly wrote back to prefs them not todefift until they had com-pleted the bufinefs.
* La Ncmnetie, a town in Aurerçnç, election of Mfoirc.
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