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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.1
page 41
order to entertain " his lords" the duke of Bavaria
and his fon, who had on Frizeland fimilar preten
fions to thofe of the king of England on Ireland.
After tjhree months refidence in England, Froif
fart took his leave of the king. This prince, whom
he had followed in his different excursions near
London, ordered one hundred nobles**to be given
him, as a laft mark of his affeûion, in a goblet f of
lilver, gilt, weighing two marcs.
The melancholy end of Richard, which happened
in 1399, is related at the end of the fourth volume
of Froiflart's hiftory, who acquks himfelf moft
gratefully to this Prince by the affe&ing manner
in which he laments his misfortunes. At the fame
rime he remarks, that in this event he faw the ac
complifhment of a prediftion which had been made
tefpeûing Richard, when he was born at Bordeaux;
and alfo of a prophecy in the romance of Brutus J,
which pointed out the prince who would dethrone
The death of Guy count de Blois happened foon after Froiflart's return home : he mentions it in his Chronicle, under the year 1397. He was then fixty years of age, and muft have lived at leaft four years morej for, he relates fome events of the year
* This fum may amount to about twenty-five guineas of our prefent coin. ST. PA LA YE.
f This was called hy our anceflors a henepée, id eft, hanap, full of money ; whence comes tfie Hanaper office in the Engliih Treafury. ST. PALATE.
J See particulars of Wace, author of the romance of Brutus, in Mr. Ellis's Specimens of early Engliih Poets.
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