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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.1
page 93
as often as they are met with. The only method of remedying this, is to clear up Froiflart by himfelf, in collating the various paflages where the fame name is found ; and this is what Sauvage has done ; and for greater fecurity he has read over five times the text of his author ; however, when he could not draw any advantage from this repeated reading, he has made ufe of affiftance wherever it could be found. He appears, in faft, to have fludied very carefully the maps and defcriptions of thofe countries the hiftorian fpeaks of, and alfo to have confulted their inhabitants. We obferve, that when he retired to Lyons to give himfelf up rrçore freely to ftudy, he went to reconnoitre in that neighbourhood the field of battle of Brinay, or Brinais, where the Duke of Bourbon had been defeated in 13G0 by the free companies. The defcriprion hç gives of it is very infinitive, and ferves to clear up the circumftances of that event. An epitaph which he had read m a church at Lyons ferves at another time to prove the falfity of a date in Froiffart. In fhort, there is fcarcely any hiftorian of importance, of whatever country he might be, whom Sauvage had not fcen, in order the better to underftand him on whom he was employed, and to make him better underftood by others, and to confirm or to rectify his teflimony. We may count nearly forty authors whom he cites in his margins, as well relative to the hiftory of France, as to that of England, Scotland, Flanders, Germany, Spain, Italy, Hungary, and Turkey. I add, that he confulted the original acts, fince he has inferted in his annotations
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