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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.10
page 191
of mail, which he ufually wore, he faid to the fervants, ;/ Come, let us go to my confia Tour-nemine, for it is a long time fince 1 have fèea
They conduced him ftraight to his chamber, and, on entering it, Aymerigot faluted him, fuf* peâing no evil: but Tournemine faidy-^6 How is this, Aymerigot? Who has fent for you? and what has brought you hither? You wifh to dif-honour me. I therefore arreft you as my prifoners for 1 fhould not otherwife loyally acquit myfelf to the crown of France, nor to my lord of Berry: you are a wicked traitor, who have broken die truce, and fhall fuller for It ^ it is on your account the duke pf Berry hates me mortally, but, through your means, I will make my peace; for, dead or alive, you fhall be given up to him, and never, on any other account, fhall you leave this caftle.'
This fpeech aftonifhed Aymerigot, who re-plied,—Why, Tournemine, I am your cou&u Are you in earneft in what you fay? or do you do it to try me? I came hither, in full confidence, to fee you and aik your advice, and I meet with this cruel andharfh reception/ « I know not what you propofed for yourfelf/ anfwered Tournemine, 4 but I fhafl certainly execute what I have inti-mated to you/ and then laid hands on him; ,hi$ fervants, who knew what they were to do, ad-vanced and fazed him. Thus was Aymerigot taken without at poffibility of making any defence; for, as I have faid, he had difarmed himfelf ; nor could- any entreaties* prevent Touraemipe from
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