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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.10
page 235
*' The count d'Oftrevant took leave of his father, gfrid4, on his departure from the Hague, returned
to his lady at Quefnoy. Many noble knights were ;bufy in preparations for this feaft that had been fo
pompoùfly proclaimed*
. The count Walerande Saint Pol, who had mar-ried the ; half-filler to king Richard, affemblçd a handfome body of knights and fquires, and with -them made for Calais, where paflage-veflels were ^waiting to convey to Dover the lords and knights going to this tournament. From Dover, they .continued their journey to London, where their fervants had previoufly fecured their lodgings. . : The count d'Oftrevant fet out from Hainault with a numerous attendance of knights and fquires, and travelled through Artois to Calais, where he met the count de St. Pol When the wind was fa* vourable, and their attendants embarked, they croffed the channel ; but it was told me, and I believe it, that the count de St. Pol arrived firft at London, where he found the king and his brother-in-law, fir John Holland, who, with many other nobles, made him a hearty welcome, and enquired thjs news in France. . :
' THe count d'Oftrevant having croffed the fea, -Hopped it Canterbury, and. on the Friday morn-ing, without breaking his faft, paid his devotions at the (brine ' of Thomas à Becket, making at the .fame time a vefy rich offering at that altar. . - Jie remained that whole day * at Canterbury, .and on the following went to Rochefter. On ac-count of his numerous train, he travelled but a fhort
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