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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 41
fbberïy educated by the advice of his bftdes, &ÎS unfortunate illnefs would never have happened.
They added, that, when he was on his journey » to Languedoc, he had" prômifed, on the word of a king, artd fwore likewife on his faith, that he would raife a fufficie'nt force to deftroy the arid-! pope and his cardinals àt Rome, and put ah end t& the fchifm and troubles of the chnrch ; but he had* done nothing, and thus forfeited his oath and pro-T Aife, by which he has angered God, who, to cor-reft him, punifhes him with this rod of frenzy* : It therefore behoves us, when he (hall hafve re-:* covered his health* which 'may loon happen, tok fend properly inftrufted legates to. remonftratc; with him on this breach of promife, in ordeç th^ti through our negled, he may not be forgetful t of it. ' , ' ,\
Such vfas the language at Avignon between the, pope and cardinals, who agreed that this diforder : had been incurred by his own negligence and faulty but they greatly blamed thofe of his council and houfehold for not having better attended to him.-Many others, in France, did the fame. • In a church at Hafpres, in Hainault, dependant on the abbey of Saint Vaft at Arras, lies the cano-nized body of Saint Aquaire, in a rich Ihriqc of filver. This faint is celebrated for the cures he has performed on thofe afHifted with madnefs, and On that account is much vifited fnom all parts. To pay due refpeifl to the faint, there, was made a . figure of wax refembling the king, which was fent thither with a large wax taper, and offered, with
VOL.: XL ' D . much
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