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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 108
the other hand, their confins to write to king Richard, and amicably let him know what they had done s for he t had, for two years paft, fhewn the moft anxious defire for peace between Eng«r land, France and all their allies.
The two dukes promifed compliance;, but you muft: know, ' as I was well informed, the duke of Glocefter was more difficult to perfuade than his brother, and he had been purpofely chofen his colleague, by thofe who preferred war to peace, becaufe they knew he would not aflent to any thing that was in the leaft difhonourable to his country.
The four dukes then feparated in a moft friendly manner, having been nine days in conference. The Englifh commiflioners returned to Calais, and the French to Boulogne, whence they fee out for Ab-beville. They found there the king of France, who was amufing himfelf, he having taken a liking to the place. There is fcarcely any city ii* France more pleafantly fituated ; and within it is a handfome inclofed garden, partly furrounded by the river Somme, in which the king fpent much of his time, and often fupped there, telling his brother and council that the air of Abbeville had done his health great good. . *
At this time, Léon king of Armenia was fith the king of France : he was juft come from Greece and the frontiers of his own kingdom* into which he dared not venture ; for the Turks had conquered, and kept pofleffion of it as well as other places, in defiance of the world, / ' except-
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