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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 118
information from the king of Navarre and thfc duke of Brittany.
It had been propofed at the conferences, that as the caftle of Cherbourg in Normandy, had been mortgaged to the king of England for fixty thou-land nobles, who in confequence had pofleflion, it fhould be reftored to the king of Navarre, on the king of France repaying the fixty thoufand no-bles ; and in like manner was the caftle of Breft to be furrendered to the duke of Brittany. The dukes of Berry and Burgundy did not wait for the con-clufion of thefe two articles, but haftened to Abbe-ville, where, to their forrow, they found the king in a very poor ftate of health.
The king's diforder was kept ferret as long as poflible, but in fuch cafes it is very foon publicly known.
The court at Abbeville was fhordy difperfed, and every one retired to his home. Councils were holden as to the proper place the king fhould be conveyed to, and in refpeft to his management. The caftle of Creil was again fixed on for his refi-dence, whither he was carried in a litter. The weather was now fo hot, that they refted the day and only travelled the night fêafon : the king was attended to Creil by his brother and the duke of Berry. The duke * of Burgundyâ went to Artois, and thence vifited Flanders, having met his duchefs at the caftle of Hêdin.
The lord de la Riviere and fir John le Mercier feemed entirely forgotten : no one fpoke of them, nor interfered in their delivery firoip prifon. This
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