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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.11
page 140
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Called the Purgatory of Saint Patrick, wé de-fecated three ôr four ftcps, (for you go down into k Ike-a cellar) but found our heads fo muehaf-feftcd by the heat, we ftated ourfelves on the fteps. Which are of (tone, and fuch a drowfinefe came on, that we ftept there the whole night/
I afked, if, when afleep, they knew where they were, and What vifions they had. He faid, they had many very Émnge dreams, and they ieemed, ts they imagined to fee more than they would have done if they had been in their beds. Thi* they both were aflured of c When morning came, and we were. awake, the door of the cave was opened, for fo we had ordered it, and we came out, but inftantly loft all recoUeftion of every thing we had feen, and looked on the whole as a phantom/
I did not pufh the converfadon further, although I fhould have much liked to have heard what he Would fay of Ireland ; but other knights overtook Us, and converfed with him j and thus we rode to Leeds caftle, where the king and his court arrived ihordy after. The duke of York was already there î md I made myfelf known to him, by pre-fonring him letters from his coufms, the count of Hainault and the count d'Oftrevant. The duke recolle&cd me, and made me a hearty welcome, faying,—' Sir John, keep with us and our people § for we will (hew you every courtefy and attention i we are bounden fo to do, from remembrance of paft times, and afFeôion to the memory of our lady-mother, p whom you. werg attached. We have not forgotten thefe times/ I warmly thanked
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