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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 61

the shroud of a corpse, and was borne in England to assist, not at the flight, but a coffin on the shoulders of her faithful at the expected coronation of the Dofollowers, unnoticed and unsuspected, to mina, be was not a little annoyed at the stronghold of her party, the city of the turn matters had taken, and as he Gloucester, where, on entering that cashad more than once narrowly escaped tle which a few months previously she being made prisoner, he gladly availed had left with such high hope, her sorhimself of the earliest opportunity of rows were increased by the sad news of fleeing from the dangers with which his the captivity of her valiant and devoted too obstinate and haughty niece had surbalf-brother. rounded him, by recrossing the border of As the King of Scotland had come to his own kingdom. OHAPTEK III. The Queen strenuously endeavours Ισ exchange Robert of Gloucester for Stephen—The exchange effected—Stephen again takes the field with siwcess—Decline of the cause of the Empress—Robert of Gloucester seeks aidfrom the Earl of Anjou—Stephen besieges the Empress in Oxford—Her perilous escape—Her jog at again beholding her heir, Erince Henry—Return of the Erince to the continent—Death of the Earl of Gloucester—The Empress relinquishes her efforts to obtain the crown of England —Her final return to Normaiuly—Her improved character—Her holy and righteous works—Her death. ORKItT OF GLOU-I mises, the Queen resorted to threats, but CES TER, on being j with no better success. " I am in your taken prisoner, was jpower," said the devoted Earl, " and if conveyed to the vie- | your spirit of revenge so actuates, which torious Queen Ma-\ God grant it may not, you may torture tilda, and she, over- j this body till the soul is driven from the joyed at the prospect ! luckless clay ; but that will avail you of Stephen's release, I naught, for rest assured, lady, that all committed him to the charge of her able the pangs of hell combined will never general, Sir William Yprcs, who placed induce me to forego my honour, my fidehim in secure but not severe confinement lity, and my oaths, for they are sacred in Rochester Castle, in Kent. to God." The anxiety of the Queen to unbind Upwards of two months had passed in the fetters of her beloved lord, induced delays and fruitless négociations, when her immediately to enter into négociaat length the Domina, being unable to tions with her prisoner, and offer to exlonger keep her party together without change him for the king. But as Earl the presence of Earl Robert, and having Robert believed that the release of Stein vain offered a large sum in gold, and phen would prove fatal to the cause of twelve of the most powerful barons that the Empress, he resolutely refused his her party had captured, for his ransom, own liberation on such terms ; and when she by entreaties prevailed on him to the anxious Queen proffered him place, accept the Queen's terms. power, and wealth, such as only a powerOn All Saints' Day, November the first, ful sovereign can command, if be would 1141, Stephen, after a painful captivity cease to serve his half-sister, and throw of nine months, was again restored to the weight of his influence into the cause liberty and his rejoicing consort, and at of Stephen ; he told her that no earthly the same timo the humanely treated Earl offer would induce him to violate his Robert was released from his confinesolemnly sworn oath to protect the Emment, and safely escorted to the Domina press and her rights. at Gloucester. Finding he was not to be won by proUpon Stephen's liberation, the adhe

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