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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 430

in the wharf, which Bight and goodly noises they much praised and allowed. As soon as Anne and the King had entered the inner court, they alighted from their horses, and the King lovingly embraced her and kissed her, bidding her welcome to her own, and led her by her left arm through the hall, which was furnished below the hearth [which stood in the centre of the hall] with the King's guards, and above the hearth with the fifty pensioners with their battle-axes, and so brought her up to her privy chamber, and there left her for that time." When the King and Anne entered tbe court together, a great peal of guns, shot from the tower of Greenwich, gave notice to the spectators, and to the inferior actors in the imposing ceremony, to disperse, which they did with all speed, wending their way to London, or their lodgings elsewhere. " But," says the marvel-loving Hall, "to see how long it was ere the horsemen could pass, and how late it was in night before the footmen could get over London bridge, I assure you it was wondrous to behold, the number was so great." Immediately Henry had conducted her Grace into her privy chamber, ho left her, and proceeded in sullen mood to discuss with his privy council the propriety of sending her back to her owrn country as she came. However, being unprovided with any reasonable excuse for breaking off the match, he on Monday, the fifth of January, resolved that the marriage should be solemnized on the following day, being the Epiphany, or, as it is commonly called, Twelfth day ; and not satisfied with this unseemly haste, he annoyed Anne, by fixing upon the inconveniently early hour of eight o'clock in the morning for the performance of the ceremony. But as her not over-acute feelings had already been outraged in ever)' possible way, she gave no heed to this annoyance. Overstein and Hostoden had come to England with her Grace expressly to lead her to the altar ; but Henry, out of sheer opposition we are told, objected to Hostoden, andappointed the Earl of Essex and Overstein to the office. At the appointed hour Essex had Dot arrived, and Cromwell was ordered to fill his place ; but before Anne was arrayed, Essex came in, and Cromwell returned to the King, who by this time was attired in his wedding suit, "which," says Hall, " consisted of a gown of cloth of gold raised, with great flowers of silver, furred with black jennets, A coat of crimson satin all to cut, and embroidered and tied with great diamondsand a rich collar about his neck." Thus arrayed, says Cromwell, in one of his letters, " his Majesty advanced towards the gallery out of his privy chamber, and when in the midst of his chamber of presence, called me to him, and said, 1 My Lord, if it were not to satisfy the world and my realm I would not do what I must do this day for any earthly thing.'" Word was then brought the King that Anne was coming ; on which he solemnly advanced, with his nobles in procession, into tbe gallery next the closets, and there, with expressions of discontent at her long tarry, paused whilst some of the lords went to fetch her. Anne, who, from a reluctance to link herself to so harsh and uncourtcous a husband as Henry the Eighth, was not punctual to the hour, was attired in "a gown of rich cloth of gold, made round after the Dutch fashion, and set full of large oriental pearls. Her long black hair bung down in graceful ringlets over her shoulders. On her head was a gold coronet replenished w7ith great stones and set full of sprigs of rosemary, a herb then worn both at weddings and funerals, and her neck and her waist were adorned with jewels of great price. Thus apparelled, she was led forth from her chamber by Essex and Overstein, and (proceeds the chronicler) with most demure countenance and sad behaviour, passed through tho King's chamber. The lords all went in procession before her, and on reaching the gallery where the King was, she made three obeisances and curtsies to him. Then Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury received them, and married them together." Overstein gave her away, and about her wedding ring was engraved, GOD SENT MB WELL το KEEP ; a most appropriate motto, considering the fate of Henry's former Queens.

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