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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 521

ter the wedded state. Courtney, Cardithat if it took place, England would bo nal Pole, and Philip of Spain were all transferred as a marriage claim to Phipointed to by the public as suitors for lip, and be ruled with a rod of despother hand. To Courtney she bad shewn ism; but all opposition was vain ; Mary great favour, and we arc told that he had resolved, and neither threats, persuacaptivated her fancy ; but when lie assions, nor entreaties, could alter her pired to her hand, she refused him. fixed purpose. On the thirtieth of OcOthers, again, assert, that Courtney retober the Commons voted an address to fused Mary, when she caused an offer of her, praying her to marry, that she her hand to be made to Cardinal Pole, might raise up successors to the throne, who, in reply, assured her, that his hut not to choose a foreigner for her retired religious life, bis age, and bis husband. This measure she attributed infirmities, prevented him from entering to Gardiner, and vowing to prove a tbe married state, and counselled her, as match for his cunning, she, the same a friend, to remain single herself. Be night, sent for the imperial ambassador, LhfcBQ statements correct or not, certain bade him follow her into her private it is, that as early as August, Mary had oratory, where, on her knees, at the foot resolved to, if possiple, marry into the of the altar, and in the presence of the family of the Emperor, who, besides consecrated host, she repeated the hymn, being a kinsman of her mother's, had, " Veni Creator," and then called God to in her troubles, always afforded her witness, that whilst she lived she would countenance and protection. This resonever take any other man for her huslution was in unison with the views of band than Philip. Prince of Spain. In Charles the Fifth ; who, the moment be the beginning of November she suffered heard of her accession, resolved to bafrom a severe attack of her constitutional lance the losses he had sustained in Germalady. After her recovery, it is said, many, by bringing about a marriage beshe continued to feign illness, in order tween her and his son Philip. Philip, to postpone the unpleasant task of rehowever, being eleven yeare younger ceiving the address of the Commons. than Mary, objected to the match; but However, the seventeenth of November, the Emperor, intent on his own polishe sent for the Lower House, the Speaker tical aggrandizement, paid no regard to road the address, when, instead of her his objection, and on the twentieth of Chancellor answering as was customary, September, wrote to Mary, that "a foshe replied that, "for their expression reign prince would bring, as a husband, of loyalty and their desire that her issue a firm support to her throne, and were might succeed her on the throne, she it that his own age would allow him, thanked them ; but inasmuch as they he should himself aspire to the honour pretended to limit her in the choice of a of her hand. lie might, however, sohusband, she thanked them not. If that licit in favour of others, nor could he choice concerned the Commons, it conoffer to her choice one more dear to himcerned her, herself, still more. She self than his son Don Philip, Prince of would make it with care, and provide Spain. The advantages of such an union equally for the happiness of herself and were evident, but let her not be swayed of her people, but as the marriages of by his authority. She had only to conher predecessors had been free, she sult her own inclination and judgment, would on no account surrender a priviand to communicate the result to him j lege which she had enjoyed." without fear or reserve." This letter confirmed Mary in her resolution to beMeanwhile, the Princess Elizabeth come the bride of Philip of Spain. resided at court, and the rival partizans Gardiner, Cardinal Pole, the French earnestly endeavoured to create dissenAmbassador, and several of the Privy sion between her and the Queen. No-Council strongly opposed the match, ailles, the intriguing French Ambassa whilst the people generally denounced dor, secretly assured her that Mary init as inimical to the stato, prophesying tended to bastardize her ; whilst the imperialists narrowly watched her, and

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