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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 55
place. At this time prophesied Ahijah, Jehu, Amos, Joel, Zachariah, and Elijah who was carried off by the Lord, and was nowhere seen afterwards. Rehoboam reigned seventeen years, and was succeeded by Abijah, who reigned three years ; Asa succeeded Abijah. This Asa fortified the cities of Giboah and Masphat with the stones and timber which Baasha had collected in Rama, and was reproved by Jehu, because he had placed his hope in Benhadad ; and so he died of a disease in the feet, the same which he had brought upon the prophet by putting him in prison. He reigned fifty-one years, and was succeeded by Jehosaphat. He reigned twentyfive years ; and after Jehosaphat Joram reigned for twentyseven years ; while he was king, Edom revolted, and shook off its allegiance to Judea, and appointed a king for itself.
Joram was succeeded by Othoziah, who reigned one year, and he was also called Oziah and Azariah. And this Azariah, with his son Joash, and his grandson Amaziah, the evangelist Matthew has omitted from his genealogy of Christ. After Azariah, Athaliah reigned for six years ; and after her, who making a good beginning, but a most wicked ending, slew Zachariah the son of Jehoiada the priest, between the temple and the altar ; and he reigned forty years. After Joash came Amaziah, who reigned twenty-nine years.
About this time, Sardanapalus was king of the Assyrians, a man more profligate than any woman. He always lived among the women ; and when, on a certain day, Arbastus, his prefect, whom he had appointed governor of the Medes, had obtained admittance to mm, he found him among troops of harlots, dressed in woman's apparel, spinning purple on a distaff, and distributing their tasks to the virgins, while he surpassed all the women who were in his company in the effeminacy of his person, and the wanton carriage of his eyes. And when Arbastus had seen this, he returned to his companions, and related what he had seen, and declared that he could no longer obey one who preferred being a woman to being a man. So a conspiracy of the Medes is quickly excited against the nation of the Assyrians, and war is proclaimed against Sardanapalus ; and he, when he was no longer able to resist the revolted nations, retired into his palace, where he had had a funeral pile built ; and having set it on fire, he burnt himself and all his riches ; and so Sardanapalus, the king of the
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