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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 153
the Britons to pursue, promising them a speedy triumph. For he had learnt their language and their customs, because he had been brought up among the British hostages at Rome. At last, coming by degrees to where the king was, he slew him with his sword, while he was expecting no such thing. Then escaping among the enemy, he joined his own men again with his impious victory. But Arviragus, the king9s brother, when he knew that he was killed, clothed himself in the royal armour as if he were Guiderius himself, and urged the Britons to persevere. At length, the Romans dividing into two parts, basely left the field to the enemy. Arviragus therefore did not desist from pursuing the enemy, until he caught them on the sea-shore, .and came upon Lselius Hamo unexpectedly and slew him. And that port is to this very day called the port of Hamo, that
is Hampton [Southampton].
In the meantime, Claudius having recruited his forces, besieged Caerperis, that is Porchester, with great vigour, and threw down the walls, and subdued the citizens. But Arviragus pursued him with a hostile army, and Claudius threw himself into Winchester ; then Arviragus besieged that city, and endeavoured to take it by all sorts of machines. But Claudius having thrown the gates open, came forth with bis men to battle. But, before the armies closed, they sent messengers from one to the other, and made peace on these conditions, that Claudius should give his daughter in marriage to Arviragus, and that Arviragus should hold the kingdom of Britain from the Romans, subject to tribute. Arviragus agreed to this, and, by advice of his friends, made submission to Csesar.
After this, Claudius sent for his daughter, and in the meantime, by the assistance of Arviragus, he reduced the Orkney islands under his power. Then when the winter was passed, the ambassadors returned with his daughter, whose name was Gevuisa, and she was married with all due ceremony to Arviragus. But Arviragus built a city in honour of Claudius, and to preserve the recollection of such an honourable marriage, which, from bis name, was called Caerglou, that is to say the city of Claudius, and it i&ven now called Gloucester. Then when Claudius had returned to Rome, the whole government of all the islands in the. province fell into the hands of Arviragus. The same year Herod Agrippa was smitten by an angel, and swelling over his whole body, expired in a miserable
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