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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 201
them all, and rendered them dumb, by the authority of the Old as well as of the New Testament ; and the greater part of them, leaving the blindness of Judaism, were converted to the faith of the Trinity which they attacked. Also the faith of many Christians was strengthened by the fact of a ferocious bull which had been slain in a pasture of the Jews, who were unable to recover him, being afterwards restored to life by the blessed Silvester.
330. The emperor Constantine built a church to the blessed Peter and Paul the Apostles, in the Lavican road, be* tween two bay trees.
331. The emperor built a mausoleum, constructed with, extraordinary beauty, where he afterwards buried his mother, in a most costly sarcophagus.
332. The emperor built a church in the city of Ostia, near the gate of the city of Rome, in honour of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and Saint John the Baptist, and in the city of Alba he built a church in honour of the same Saint.
333. The emperor Constantine built a church in the city of Naples, of wonderful beauty, to all the apostles and martyrs ; and in Drepana, a city of Bithynia, he built a church in honour of the martyr Lucian. And he ornamented the city with new buildings, and called it Helenopolis, from the name of his mother.
334. Marcus and Julius are appointed bishops of Rome. The Romans defeated the Goths in the country of the Sarmatia. In consequence of an edict of Constantine, the temples of the gentiles were thrown down.
335. The emperor Constantine built in Thrace a city, which he honoured with the title of his own. name, and destined it to be the seat of the Roman empire, and the capir tal of the east, and Rome to be the capitol of the world, which last city he bequeathed by will to the blessed Peter and Paul. He also commanded the noblest of the Romans, and nearly the whole body of the senators with their wives and children, to take up their abode in the new Rome, that is, in Constantinople.
336. Reccius, bishop of Augustina, was greatly celebrated, and Juvencus, a Spanish presbyter, who turned the four books of the Gospels into hexameter verse.
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