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MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 226

A.D. 450. THE SOOTS AKD FICTS SAVAGE BBITAEET. 217 rest of those deities who govern the world, and most especially Mercury, whom we call Woden. To him our ancestors dedicated the fourth day of the week, which to this day is called Wodenesday. Next to him, we worship that goddess who is the most powerful of all the goddesses, named Frea, after whose name we call the day Friday. But Frea, as some people assert, is the same as Venus, and is called Frea as if it were Froa, from Frodos, which means the foam of the sea, from which, according to some authors, Venus was born. On which account the same day is also called the day of Venus." Vortigern replied to this, " I am greatly grieved at your barbarism (it might be more properly termed your infidelity), but I am rejoiced at your arrival, because either God or sòme one else has brought you hither in a suitable time for my necessity. For my enemies oppress me on all sides ; and if you will share with me the labour of my battles, I will maintain you honourably in my kingdom, and I will enrich you with all kinds of gifts and with lands." The barbarians agreed at once to his proposal, and having made a treaty with him, they remained at his court. The same year, news was brought to Britain that the Pelagian error had again sprung up under the influence of a few promoters of it. Again the prayers of the Britons are borne to the blessed Germanus, that he would condescend to undertake the cause of God and the contest in this spiritual warfare. He promptly assents to their petition, taking with him Severus, a man of proved sanctity, who was a disciple of the most blessed father Lupus, and who was then ordained bishop of Treves. The two together set sail, and, as the elements are favourable, they reach the shores of Britain with a prosperous voyage. And Germanus, by the antidote of his preaching, heals the wounds of infidelity, and the medicine of learning cures the apostasy of blasphemy. And all those erroneous opinions are condemned with their authors. And the consequence was, that from that time forward the faith remained inviolate in that country. Accordingly, all things being now settled, the blessed priests returned successfully to that country from which they had come. A.D. 450. After the departure of the most blessed pontiffs from Britain, the Scots and Picts, rising again from death, collected an enormous army from the north, and began to

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