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MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 228

A.D. 453. HEKGIST*8 ADVICE TO VOBTIOBBK. enee by Valentinian and bis mother Placida, departed to Christ, and his body was brought saints and by companies of religions men, on account of his great virtue, to Altisiodorum. At which time, Severus, a presbyter, a man of great eminence on account of the miracles which he wrought, by having destroyed a temple of idols, where Gentile error adored a hundred gods with an insane worship, built a church to the blessed proto-martyr, Stephen, that it might be consecrated before the gates of Vienne. But as he was waiting for the return of the blessed Germanus from Ravenna, as he had engaged that he should come to the dedication of it, it so fell out that on the day of dedication, before the offices were begun, the body of that blessed confessor of Christ was brought through Vienne, and was borne into this identical new church, for the sake of resting there ; and in this manner, it is well known that the engagement of the man of God was fulfilled. The miracles and eminent acts of virtue which God wrought in Britain by that blessed man, the account which has been written of his life will enable those to judge who wish to do so. But Bede, in his History of England, relates that he departed this life in the sixth year of the reign of Marcianus, which is eight years later than this. A.D. 451. Philip, a presbyter and disciple of the blessed Jerome, who wrote some commentaries on the book of Job in plain, simple language, ended his life. A.D. 452. Theodosius the emperor died, and Marcian and Valentinian succeeded him, and reigned six years. At the beginning of their reign, the Council of Chalcedon was held, owing to the exertions of the blessed Pope Leo, when Eutyches, with Dioscorus, bishop of Alexandria, were publicly connoted and condemned. But Eutyches was abbot of Constantinople, and denied that Christ, after hie assumption of humanity, existed in two natures, asserting that the divine nature was the only one that was in him. A.D. 453. Hengist, when he had married his daughter to Vortigern, addressed him in this manner, saying, " Listen to my advice, and let us invite hither my son Octa with his cousin Abissa, for they are warlike men, and will subdue countries for you, which you may give them, to hold of you ; those, for instance, which are in the northern parts of Britain, near the wall, between Deira and Scotland ; and they being

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