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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 239
so dense a cloud, that the whole surface of the island will he overshadowed by it. In his time there shall be peace, and the crops shall be multiplied in the fertility of the sou. Women as they walk shall become serpents, and every step of theira shall be filled with pride. The camps of Venus shall be renewed, nor will the arrows of Cupid cease to wound. A fountain will be turned into blood, and two kings will fight a battle on account of the lioness near the Ford of the Staff. The whole ground will be luxuriant, and human nature will not cease practising fornication. These ages shall see all these events, till three kings are known to have been buried in London. Famine will return again, mortality will return again, and the citizens will grieve for the desolation of the cities. The boar of commerce will come at this time, who will recall the scattered flocks to the pastures that they had lost. His breast will be food to those who want, and his tongue will appease the thirsty. From his mouth will proceed rivers, which will moisten the dry jaws of men. After that, a tree will be produced above the Tower of London, which, though content with only three branches, will overshadow the surface of the whole island with the breadth of its leaves. After this, the north wind will come upon it as an adversary, and with its cruel blast will carry off its third bough. But the remaining two shall fill up the place of the one that has been extirpated, till the one destroys the other by the multitude of its leaves. Then that one shall occupy the place of the other two, and shall support birds from foreign countries. It will be considered injurious to the flight of native birds, for through fear of its shade they will lose their freedom of flight. The ass of wickedness will succeed, swift against the workers in gold, but slow against the rapacity of wolves. In these days oaks shall burn in the groves, and acorns shall be produced on the boughs of holm oaks. The Severn shall run into the sea by seven mouths, and the river Usk shall boil for seven months. The fishes shall die from the heat thereof, and serpents shall be generated from them. The baths of Bath shall grow cold, and its wholesome waters shall cause death. London shall mourn the death of twenty men, and the Thames ehall be turned into blood. Men in cowls shall be invited to marriage, and their outcry shall be heard in the mountains o f the Alps. Three springs shall burst up in the city of Win
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