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MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 338

A.D. 688· CADWALLA ABANDONS HIS KINGDOM. 329 filled it thirteen years, eight months, and twenty-four days ; and the see.was vacant one month and twenty days. The same year, that catholic man, the Emperor Constantine, died, and was succeeded by his son JuBtinian, who reigned ten years. This year also, Eadric, king of Canterbury, died. And after hie death, his kingdom was invaded by foreigners ; for king Cadwallader and his brother, Mollo, entered the province, and ravaged and depopulated it without meeting with any resistance, and their barbarous power lasted for three years, till the before-mentioned Mollo, desirous of empty glory, was cut short by an early death. The same year, the before-mentioned king Cadwallader subdued the Isle of Wight, and cruelly slew Ethelwald, king of the South Saxons, who at that time was the lord of these islanders, and desolated the island with the most inhuman ravages. But he was soon expelled by Ethelwald, Bertham, and Audun, and so he left the kingdom to those leaders, and they occupied it for a long time afterwards. But Cadwallader was, as I have said before, according to the chronicles of the Angles, the son of Kinibert, who was the son of Cedda, who was the son of Cuther, who was the son of Ceauline. But I think that I ought not to pass over in silence how the two sons of Arwald, the prince of the Isle of Wight, by the grace of God, received the crown of martyrdom. While the enemy were threatening the island, they fled, and escaped to the neighbouring province of the Jutes ; but being brought back again, they were put to death by command of Cadwallader. And when the abbot of Redfort, whose monastery was Hot far off, heard this, he came to the king, and entreated of him, that if he was bent on slaying the youths, he would allow them first to receive the sacraments of faith. And when the king had given his consent, and they had been washed in the fountain of salvation, the executioner came, and they joyfully underwent temporal death, by which they knew beyond a doubt that they would pass to everlasting life. A.D.688 . Cadwallader was moved by the divine mercy to abandon his temporal kingdom for the sake of God, and so he went to Rome, wishing to obtain this singular glory of being washed in the fountain of baptism at the threshhold of the Apostles Peter and Paul, as he had learned that by that fountain the entrance to everlasting life was opened to the human race. He also hoped that if he were baptized and soon released from the

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