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The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. I. B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1066.
page 342
the twelfth of October, in his monastery, which lie had in the province of Indales, under the government of the abbot Cuthwold. And he was carried by the brethren to his original monastery at Ripon, and there buried in the church of the blessed Apostle Saint Peter, near the altar, on the south side.
A.D. 693. Ina, king of the West Saxons, arrayed a formidable army, and determined to avenge the burning of his kins* man Mollo. But Withred, king of Kent, came to meet him humbly, and gave him a large sum of money for the death of the young man, and so
" The strife was ended and fair peace restored."
The same year, Brithwaid was consecrated archbishop of Canterbury by Godwin, archbishop of Gaul. And he consecrated Tobias bishop, as successor to Godmund, bishop of the church at Rochester ; and Tobias was a man of great learning, both in the Latin and Greek language.
694. Lewis became king of France, and reigned four years. And at this time, the sanctity and innocence of the blessed Leodegarius, bishop of Heducen, began to be very eminent by the favour of Almighty God. But he was afterwards decapitated, after having been cruelly tortured by that minister of cruelty, Ebroin, who, having laid aside the monastic habit, had the chief power under a certain king of France, named Theodoric, and who treated him with terrible cruelty, because he had been a friend of his predecessor. But while Ebroin was yet alive, the merciful Lord adorned the holy man with grace to work many miracles.
695. rope Sergius, found in the church of the blessed Peter, at Rome, a great portion of the cross of our Lord, which is now every year, on die day of .the exaltation of the lifegiving cross, kissed and reverently worshipped by the whole Roman people. The same year, Hewaldus the White and Hebaldus the Black, two priests, went from Britain into Friesland, for the sake of preaching, and there received the crown of martyrdom, and were buried at Cologne by order of Pepin, the king. There was an eclipse of the sun this year, at three o'clock in the day.
696. The Mercians, who are also called the Suthumbrians, that is to say, that part of the Mercians which is to the north of the river Trent, committed a most atrocious crime. For they murdered in a barbarous manner the queen Ostrica, the
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