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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 400

bcepter in her right hand, and the rod of ivory, with the dove, in her left, and all the queere sung Te Deum, &c. ; after this the Bishop took off the crowne of St. Edward, being heavie, and placed on her hcado the crowne made for her, and so went to masse ; and when the offering was began, she descended downe and offered, being crowned, and so ascended up againe, and sat in her chaire till Agnus Dei wras sung, and then she went down and kneeled before the high altar, where shee received of the Archbishop the holy sacrament, and then went up to her place againe : when mass was done, she went and offered at St. Edward's shrine, and then withdrew into a little place made for that purpose on one side ofthequoere. Meanwhile every duchesse put on her bonnet a coronelle of gold wrought with flowers, and every Marchionesse put on a demi-coronell of gold, wrought with flowers, and every Countesse a plaine circle of golde wrought with flowers, and every King at Armes, put on a crowne of copper and gilt, all which were worne till night. " When the Quecne had a little reposed, the company returned in the order that they set forth, and the Queene went crowned: her right hand was sustained by the Earle of Wiltshire, her father, and her left by the Lord Talbot, deputy for the Earle of Shrewsbury, and Lord Eurnivall, his father. And when shee was out of the sanctuary within the pallace, the trumpets played marveylous freshly, and thus shee was brought to Westminster-hall, and so to her withdrawing chamber. While the Queene was in her chamber, every Lord and other that ought to do service at the coronation, prepared themselves according to their dutie, the Duke of Suffolko, High Steward of England, was richly apparelled, with a long white rod in his hand; on his left hand rode the Lord William, deputy for his brother, as Earle Marshall, with the Marshall's rod, whose gown was crimson and velvet, and his horse trapper purple velvet cutt on white sattine, embroidered with white lions. The Earle of Oxford was High Chamberlain ; the Earle of Essex, carver ; the Earle of Sussex, sewer; the Earle of Arvmdcle, chiefe butler, on whom twelve citizens of London gave their attendance at the cupboard ; the Earle of Darby, cup bearer ; the Viscount -Lisle, pautler ; the Lord Burgeiny, chief larder; the X^ord Bray, almoner for him and his co-partners ; and the Maior of Oxford kept the buttery bar; and Thomas Wyatt was chosen ewerer, for Sir Henry Wyatt, his father. " When all these things were ready and ordered, the Quecne under her canopy came into the hall, and washed, and sattc down to table, under her cloth of estate : on the right side of her chaire stood the Countesse of Oxford, widow; and on her loft hand stood the Countesse of Worcester, all the dinner season ; at divers times they held a fine cloth before the Qucenc's face, when she listed to spit, or do otherwise at her pleasure ; at the table's end sate the Archbishoppe of Canterbury ; and on the right band of the Qucene, between the Archbishoppe and the Countesse of Oxford, stoode the Earle of Oxford with a white staff all dinner time. " When all these things were thus ordered, came in the Duke of Suffolke, and the Lord William Howard, on horseback, and tho Serjeants of Armes before them ; and after them the sewer, and then the Knights of the Bathe, bringing in the first course, which was eight-and-twenty dishes, besides subtilties, and shippes made of waxe, marveylous gorgeous to beholdc, all which time of service the trumpets played goodly music. When the Queene was served two dishes, the Archbishoppe's service was set downe. After the Queene and the Archbishoppe were served, the Barons of the Ports began at the table at the right hand next the wall. Then at the table sate the Master and Clerks of Chauncerie, and beneath them other doctors and gentlemen. The table next the wall on the left hand by the cupboard, was begun by the Maior and Aldermen, the Chamberlaine and Councell of the City of London ; and beneath them sate substantial! merchants, and so downwarde other worshipfull persons. At the ta

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