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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 456

A.D. 1225.] BALDWIN RETURNS TO FLANDERS. 4Ó5 'Hie fifteenth portion of all moveables is granted to the king, A.u. 12*25. At Christmas king Henry held his court at Westminster, at which were present the clergy ami peonie taken from I hem, were restored lo them by the decree of the judges, the said Fatilkcs was condemned in ft tine for damn ces ami lorn Faulkes ft" hoy ed at this and carried beyond himself, in violation of the peace of the kingdom, seized by force on Henry de Bra i broc and imprisoned him iti liis castle of Bedford. On hearing this, the king, who was ;it Northampton holding η cot mei I ft bout giving assistance to INiictou, changed Ins intentions at this circumstance, and turning ο If to the ciiMle of Bedford, where the said Henry was confined, laid siege to it ; for three successive days lie sent summonses to the knights in the castle to surrender it, and S. archbhhnp of Canterbury, with the bishops, ahhats, and other prelates, who were present excommunicated Faulkesand those who were united with them, and declared them to he outlaws. The royal troops fiercely assailed the castle by engines and by as.-ault,and sonic of the king's knights fell by the arrows of the besieged cross-bow men, amongst others a distinguished knight named Gitlard fc'.l pierced by an arrow. After they had continued the siege for about nine weeks the castle was at length taken,anil nil the followers of Faulkes found there with their commander Mantel de Breaute, Faulkes's brother, were made prisoners, besides several linglish and Norman nobles, who were nil condemned to be huiij,', as had been fully declared to them. Cotoit /tafdie in the emperor returns into I landers, " After a long îm]risonmeiit of some years and a repentant pilgrimage, Baldwin count of Flanders and emperor of Constantinople, returned into Flanders, and, on being recognized by a great many people who formerly knew him, although be was much altered, he received homage and fealty from many of the cities and towns of Flanders. 11 is daughter, however, hating him, excited the king against him, declaring that he was not her father, nnd the person lie made himself nut to be, and caused him to be hung ignomiuiously. for when he was hung she caused two ohi dogs to be hung one on each side of him. Many, to whom lie made confession, assert that he deserved this fate for his sins, for he and his imprisoned follower*, who had been taken in battle with him, escaped from their prison by the assistance of a certain noble lady, on condition that she should he baptized as soon as the liberated prisoners arrived iir ft Christian country ; but Baldwin on arriving with his companions and the lady herself, amongst the Christians, caused her, whom lie bad promised to marry, to make a Christian, nnd to instruct in Christian customs, t be secretly slain before the font of regeneration, for which, whenever he reflected in himself, he did penance so as scarcely to be known by his follower*, for the pope enjoined such severe penance on him, because he had slain the ladv liefore she was baptized. ΛII who gave their consent to this wicked crime perished by a shameful death ; one of them on reaching Ins wife, and being recognized by her, was by her orders thrown into a well, because she had taken another husband, and had children by him; and so also the rest pe-;rhed, each as it happened, through the anger of (iod, who does not choose evi! to be returned for good. Nor did their chief escape punishment, for he did not continue his repentance, did not persevere in his Immilitv and contrition, nor give forth fruit worthy of repentance."

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