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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.2
page 275
fervani to the lord Robert, who, with his drawn fword on his wrift, leaped on board the enemy, ran to the maft, and cut the large cable which held the main fail; by which it became unmanageable; and with great agility, he cut other four principal ropes, fo that the fails fell on the deck, and the courfe of the fhip was flopped. Lord Robert, feeing this, advanced with his men, and, boarding the Spaniard fword in hand, attacked the crew fo vigoroufly, that all were flain or thrown overboard, and the veffel woq. - - . -
J CANNOT fpeak of every particular circum-ftance rff this engagement. It lafted a confider-able time ; and the Spaniards gave the king of Eng-land and his fleet enough to do. However, at laft, viélory declared for the Engliih: the Spaniards loft fourteen fhips ; the others laved themfelves by •.flight*. •
. . When
* f Anno Gratis milieiimo treceatiffimo quinquagefiiaio, qui eft aunus regni regis Edwardi à couqueftu tertii viceffimus quart us, cammiffuoi eft bellum navale inter Anglicos et Hifpanos quarto calendas Septembris. Edwardus nempe rex Angliae cum paucis navibus obviavit navigio Hifpaniae, viris bellicofis refertiffirao juxta Winchelfee. Et fado atrociffimo confliâu» multl laefi fuot ex utraque parte. Nam tarn fervens erat bellum, tam crebra vulnera infti&a ex oinni parte, quod ab iilo pralio vix aliqub evafit illaefus. Demum (Deo volente) vi&oria ceffit Anglis. Capta funt ibi igitur 26 naves magna, reliquis fubmeriis, vel in fugam veilis. In hoc conflictu dum Hifpani timidi et fuperbi, atque
• ' fideutes
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