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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.3
page 257
Treuelle*, fir labours f, fir Perducas d'Albret, fir Garfîs du Chattel, Nandon de Bagerant, the baftard de rEfparre, the bâtard Camus, the baftard de Breteuil.
King Henry had not heard of the prince's inten-tions to bring his brother, don Pedro, back to Caf-tille, fo foon as thefe knights ; and well it was for them he had not ; otherwife, if he had received this intelligence, they would not have been fuffered to depart fo eafily ; for he had the power to detain and vex them. However, when he knew the truth of it, he did not feem much aflFefted by it : never-theless, he fpoke to fir Bertrand du Guefclin, who was dill with him, as follows : 6 Sir Bertrand, think of the prince of Wales : they fay, he intends to make war upon us, to replace by force this Jew, who calls himfelf king of Spain, upon our throne of Caftille. What do you fay to this f To wMcfa fir Bertrand replied ; * He is fo valiant nnd deter-mined a knight that, fince he has undertaken it, he • will exert himfelf to the utmoft to accomplifh it. I would therefore advife you to guard well all the paffes and defiles on every fide, fo that no one may enter or go out of your kingdom without your leave. In the mean time, keep up the afFeôions of your fubje&s. I know for a truth, that you will have great affiftance from many knights in France, who will be hippy to ferve you. I will, with your permiffion, return thither, where I am fure of find-
• John Treuelle,—Barnes calls him fir John Charnelle, f Sir Rabours. Sir Robert Cheney.—BARMS.
R * ing
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