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Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. Vol.1
page 256
been taken prifoners ; butfir Walter and his company marched away, and cameftraight to Conde, where they palled by the pond andriver Haynes taking the road to Valenciennes; leaving which on theright hand, they came to Avefiies, and took up their quarters in the abbey. They then puihed forward towards Bouchain, and managed matters fo well with the governor, that thè gates of the caftle were opened to them: they crofled a river which empties itfelf into the Schéld, arid which rifes near Arleux. Afterward they came to a very ftrong caftle, called Thin TEveque, that belonged to the bifhop of Cambray, which was fo fuddenly furprifed, the governor and his Wife-werd taken in it. Sir Walter placed aftrong garrifon thefe, and made his brother, fir Giles Manny, governor, who gave much difturbance to the Cambrefians, as this caftle was but a ihort league from the city of Cambray.
When fir Walter had performed thefe enterprifes, he returned into Brabant towards the king, his lord, whom he found at Mechlin, and related to him all that he had done.
jQPON king Philip's receiving the challenges froiii
king Edward and his allies, ' he collëâed men at arms and foldiers from all quarters he fent the lord Gallois de la Baufme, a good knight from Savoy, to the city of Cambray, and made him governor
• thereof,
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